EmacsConf 2023

M3U playlist for playing in MPV and other players
Quick links: adventure, uni, teaching, table, one, writing, nabokov, collab, solo, ref, unentangling, devel, core, hyperamp, koutline, parallel, eat, poltys, cubing, emms, steno, mentor, web, sharing, matplotllm, voice, llm, overlay, eval, repl, doc, windows, scheme, world, flat, emacsen, gc, hyperdrive, lspocaml, test, emacsconf, sat-open, sat-close, sun-open, sun-close
  1. Chung-hong Chan
    00:00.000 Introduction
    01:01.200 Demo
    03:33.360 emi-escape-12
    04:47.040 The rest of the game
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 05:58 minutes
  2. James Howell
    00:00.000 Introduction
    01:12.440 Presenting
    01:47.820 Hardware
    04:46.610 Example setup
    05:30.520 Presentation software: flexibility in function
    07:05.950 Live demonstration
    07:59.850 OBS
    10:26.060 Animation
    10:55.790 Emacs
    11:42.260 Making slides and handouts with Org Mode
    13:22.680 Pedagogy first
    16:17.790 org-teach
    19:38.330 Blank slides
    19:50.050 Animations
    20:19.270 Conclusion
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 20:53 minutes
  3. Marcus Birkenkrahe
    00:00.000 Introduction
    00:54.160 My interest in this topic
    02:08.040 What is data science?
    03:47.640 Computer science is a craft
    04:52.840 The problem
    05:36.560 The solution: Emacs + Org-mode
    06:24.120 Emacs configuration file
    07:30.360 Story + code = source + documentation
    08:22.040 What is literate programming?
    09:59.880 Emacs as a literate programming tool
    11:18.960 Case study: basic setup
    12:11.280 Emacs + Org-mode notebooks
    12:45.800 Onboarding: simplified Emacs tutorial
    13:40.840 Instruction + interaction
    14:48.720 Assignments + projects
    16:15.280 Overall results positive
    18:19.800 Conclusion & outlook
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 19:27 minutes
  4. Daniel Molina
  5. Tony Aldon
    00:00.000 Introduction
    00:24.000 Documentation
    02:02.200 Starting a new project
    02:27.400 Building
    03:19.760 Side by side
    04:32.160 Writing a render function
    05:44.680 New page
    06:41.720 Linking between pages
    08:40.000 CSS
    10:23.160 How to write a render function
    19:03.200 Rendering content
    20:37.160 Rendering CSS
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 22:18 minutes
  6. Jeremy Friesen
    00:00.000 Intro
    00:57.120 How I got here
    01:18.400 Friction
    01:45.960 Domains for notes
    02:15.920 Demo
    02:55.440 Dabbrev and hippie-expand
    03:32.840 Links
    07:49.160 Conclusion
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 08:53 minutes
  7. Edmund Jorgensen
    00:00.000 Introduction
    00:45.760 Nabokov's process of writing novels
    02:24.080 Three practical problems novelists face
    04:46.560 Org mode for writing novels
    08:55.600 Takeaways and next steps
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 09:51 minutes
  8. Jonathan Hartman, Lukas C. Bossert
    00:00.000 Introduction
    01:16.080 Org Mode
    02:18.960 Working together
    06:27.840 Data cleaning
    08:04.040 Processing
    12:36.040 Visualization
    14:01.760 Preserve
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 19:16 minutes
  9. Howard Abrams
    00:00.000 Introduction
    01:20.680 Solo RPGs
    02:47.440 Demo
    04:11.760 Randomization
    05:31.960 Moves
    06:03.640 Reference
    06:34.680 Story arcs
    07:48.680 Using different stats
    09:02.960 Dice rolls
    09:34.800 Dangers
    10:19.680 A strong success
    11:49.680 Other solo RPGs
    13:04.720 Conclusion
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 14:36 minutes
  10. Christopher Howard
    00:00.000 Introduction
    02:06.040 Tip about completion frameworks
    03:14.920 References file overview
    05:39.320 The Emacs Lisp code
    08:02.720 Example reference to Elfeed article
    11:41.540 Searching the references
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 15:04 minutes
  11. Alexey Bochkarev
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 12:39 minutes
  12. John Wiegley
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 23:22 minutes
  13. Stefan Kangas
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 1:07:13 minutes
  14. Robert Weiner
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 1:05:16 minutes
  15. Matthew Jorgensen (PlasmaStrike)
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 06:44 minutes
  16. Lovro, Valentino Picotti
    00:00.000 Introduction
    00:23.440 Problem: Goal
    01:12.360 Problem: Naive Multi-pass
    01:34.200 Problem: Clever Multi-pass
    01:57.720 Problem: Terminology
    03:04.440 Problem: Scaling Multi-pass
    03:55.920 Solution: Single-pass
    04:18.240 Solution: Existing
    06:29.080 Solution: query-replace-parallel
    06:55.240 Demonstration: Swap
    07:53.970 Demonstration: LaTeX
    08:48.700 Demonstration: Regex
    09:36.320 Demonstration: Order
    10:54.440 Demonstration: Fun
    12:29.120 Implementation
    14:18.740 End
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 14:46 minutes
  17. Akib Azmain Turja
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 08:13 minutes
  18. Michael Bauer
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 34:30 minutes
  19. wasamasa
    00:00.000 Introduction
    01:35.400 Cubing in Emacs
    02:01.160 Prior art
    02:32.040 The name
    03:16.520 What's in wca-prep
    03:49.240 Demo
    05:15.340 Challenges: Representing the cube
    07:09.220 Scrambling
    08:09.500 Visualization
    08:56.420 UI with Transient
    09:55.580 Book-keeping with SQLite
    11:12.580 Conclusion
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 13:35 minutes
  20. Yoni Rabkin
    00:00.000 Introduction
    01:03.320 The structure of this talk
    01:21.320 Introduction to Emms: The practical part
    08:04.240 The modeline
    11:01.200 Meta-playlist mode
    11:29.860 The browser
    13:19.920 How Emms works: The technical part
    16:23.820 The Emms core
    16:36.440 Tracks
    17:18.460 Playlist
    18:22.080 Sources
    19:22.160 Players
    20:20.520 Info
    21:36.660 The cache
    22:51.620 Healthy back and forth: mpv, mpd, and GNU.FM
    23:31.560 MPV
    24:47.470 MPD
    26:07.440 GNU FM and Libre FM
    27:12.560 How we work: Emms development
    28:52.590 The Rime Of The Ancient Maintainer
    29:06.080 The life and times of an Emms patch
    31:24.080 Let It Go: The release process
    32:23.400 It Is Not In Our Stars, But In Ourselves: Future directions
    34:44.849 Development policies: Interface language
    36:05.980 Development policies: Freedom
    38:12.370 Acknowledgements
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 38:38 minutes
  21. Daniel Alejandro Tapia
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 25:03 minutes
  22. Jeremy Friesen
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 10:44 minutes
  23. Yuchen Pei
    00:00.000 Overview
    00:35.680 Background problems
    05:31.940 Solutions outside of Emacs
    09:46.480 Emacs solutions
    09:54.600 Free clients in Emacs
    12:43.021 Web browsers in Emacs
    16:52.380 emacs-web-server - overview
    17:30.380 emacs-web-server - hello emacs!
    18:17.580 emacs-web-server - yolo
    23:07.940 emacs-web-server - emacs web framework
    29:40.420 Firefox with emacs for extensions
    31:25.360 Thank you
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 31:33 minutes
  24. Jacob Boxerman
    00:00.000 Introduction
    00:49.000 My journey of learning
    04:03.400 Straightforward Emacs
    05:32.120 Videos
    07:16.400 Clarity
    08:10.360 High-quality and accessible content
    09:15.920 The personal aspect
    11:48.120 Unity
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 16:34 minutes
  25. Abhinav Tushar
    00:00.000 Introduction
    01:40.720 What is an LLM?
    02:23.600 Using this library
    05:11.701 Further instructions
    08:00.160 Room for improvement
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 09:34 minutes
  26. Blaine Mooers
    00:00.000 Introduction
    00:37.400 Three activities in voice computing
    01:02.560 Talk is not about ... and about ...
    01:53.520 Motivations
    03:33.240 Data
    03:58.680 Voice In in the Chrome Store
    04:25.628 Works in web pages with text areas
    05:16.880 Built-in commands in Voice In Plus
    06:41.740 Common errors made by Voice In
    08:14.760 Custom speech-to-text commands
    09:59.420 Custom speech-to-commands
    10:37.540 Introducing Talon Voice
    12:28.400 Talon GUI
    14:02.540 Talon file with web scope
    15:34.015 Terminals on remote and virtual machines
    16:52.500 Recommendations
    18:17.720 Acknowledgements
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 18:49 minutes
  27. Andrew Hyatt
    00:00.000 Intro to the Talk
    00:25.080 What are LLMs?
    01:56.360 Power of LLMs (Magit Demo)
    03:32.240 Drawbacks of LLMs (regex demo)
    05:20.120 Embeddings
    07:32.800 Image Generation
    08:48.480 Fine-tuning
    11:08.160 Open Source
    12:02.840 The Future
    14:08.200 LLMs in Emacs - existing packages
    18:15.960 Abstracting LLM challenges
    19:04.080 Emacs is the ideal interface for LLMs
    20:01.960 Outro
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 20:26 minutes
  28. Jeff Trull
    00:00.000 Introduction
    00:33.560 Overlays and what they can do
    02:02.500 Simple overlay example - creating an overlay
    02:35.700 Adding properties
    03:10.940 Deleting an overlay
    03:24.660 Setting fonts the right way
    03:59.540 More properties
    04:12.580 Visibility
    04:49.780 Adding text
    05:27.820 Custom properties
    05:45.380 Notes on properties
    06:36.100 Improving C++ compiler output
    08:17.680 The problem with C++ error messages
    08:30.240 Many standard class templates have default arguments
    08:47.520 Some types are aliases for longer things, too
    09:20.960 Reporting type information accurately means long lines
    10:18.240 Emacs can help - Treat C++ type names as just another kind of balanced expression
    11:49.320 Add overlays to improve readability
    12:22.400 Create a minor mode that runs during compilation
    12:59.500 Parsing types as balanced expressions
    14:16.100 Indent and fill with overlays - Use ancient "pretty printing" algorithms"
    14:52.260 Overlays can mimic line breaks and indentation
    15:14.520 Hiding details - Marking depths with overlays
    17:12.660 Hiding to a target depth
    18:04.900 Demo
    20:10.220 Conclusion
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 20:57 minutes
  29. Musa Al-hassy
    00:04.880 Introduction
    00:35.989 The wonders of C-x C-e
    03:35.809 An overview of REPL Driven Development
    04:51.143 REPL Driven Development with Java
    07:28.029 Bring your own Read Protocol
    07:59.669 Use Case: RDD & Job Interviews
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 09:37 minutes
  30. Eduardo Ochs
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 59:10 minutes
  31. Mike Hamrick
    00:00.000 Introduction
    00:57.760 Org Babel and literate programming
    02:14.080 This presentation
    04:53.480 Getting started
    06:55.780 README
    07:23.500 Writing a code block
    08:10.460 :results none
    08:40.320 Confirmation
    10:36.960 Running blocks automatically
    13:53.000 Export options
    16:05.700 Substituting constants
    17:25.740 Getting the properties
    20:03.060 Macros
    21:05.240 Properties in practice
    22:09.020 Using a prefix
    23:42.010 Switching distributions
    27:14.150 A tour
    30:16.200 TeX and LaTeX
    31:09.250 Other prerequisites
    32:00.060 Caching
    36:20.610 Looking at the PDF
    39:29.440 Errors
    42:31.990 Final thoughts
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 42:45 minutes
  32. Corwin Brust
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 57:48 minutes
  33. Andrew Tropin
    00:02.120 Introduction
    00:23.280 Interactive development
    01:18.180 REPL: Read Eval Print Loop
    02:53.720 Long-lasting loops
    04:07.600 Not interruptible
    05:23.160 No protocol
    05:51.480 Not scalable
    07:25.860 nREPL
    09:01.740 Arei, Ares, and how to try
    10:34.180 Demo
    11:27.640 Continuations
    12:32.460 Reading from stdin
    13:33.420 Fancy example with continuations
    15:13.160 Guix API
    17:42.060 Support
    17:57.020 Future steps - Multiple simultaneous evaluations in different contexts
    18:46.220 Tree-sitter integration
    18:56.880 Full-fledged debugger
    19:22.760 FAQ - Does it support other Scheme implementations?
    19:58.380 Is it possible to use it with other text editors?
    20:22.121 Conclusion
    20:45.880 Contacts
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 21:01 minutes
  34. Anand Tamariya
    00:00:00.780 Draw and scribble in GNU Emacs
    03:46.400 SVG Symbols library
    05:20.140 GNU Emacs: A multimedia editor
    08:03.367 Fill PDF form using GNU Emacs
    09:34.900 Desktop and window management in GNU Emacs
    11:10.440 Screen mirroring in GNU Emacs
    11:53.033 Swipe for Text Input in GNU Emacs
    12:25.533 Formula Editor in GNU Emacs
    12:59.433 Transliteration in Emacs
    13:09.433 Social Media client - Tumblr, Reddit
    13:40.000 Comics Builder
    13:49.567 Matching game
    13:59.567 Interactive XPath Builder in GNU Emacs
    14:10.767 Interactive JSON Builder in GNU Emacs
    14:35.233 GNU Emacs as a lightweight IDE (CEDET Semantic): Java - Generate getter/setter
    15:26.133 Generate C header
    16:11.640 C Rename symbols
    17:07.640 SQL (offline)
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 20:31 minutes
  35. Pedro A. Aranda
    Duration: 22:20 minutes
  36. Fermin
    00:00.000 Introduction
    00:17.000 Why Lisp matters
    01:26.640 Why Emacs Lisp was chosen
    02:54.841 Other "Emacsen"
    03:38.581 Why not Common Lisp?
    06:39.120 Common Lisp is still not dead or is always dead
    08:30.080 Lem is a nice Emacsen implementation
    08:58.260 Why not just use GNU Emacs?
    10:31.080 Why Lem
    14:03.080 Similarities and differences
    15:49.600 Demo
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 18:28 minutes
  37. Ihor Radchenko
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 33:22 minutes
  38. Duration: 18:07 minutes
  39. Joseph Turner and Protesilaos Stavrou
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 40:03 minutes
  40. Austin Theriault
    00:00.000 Introduction
    00:16.540 What is Semgrep?
    00:40.720 How do we show security bugs early?
    01:37.880 What is the Language Server Protocol?
    02:29.040 Case study: Rust Analyzer
    03:42.760 Rust Analyzer in action
    04:09.960 Why is this useful?
    05:36.220 So what about Emacs?
    06:40.700 Technical part - Brief communication overview
    07:58.760 Example request
    08:03.380 LSP capabilities
    09:23.380 Tips on writing a LS
    11:03.480 Supporting a LS through LSP mode in Emacs
    12:06.000 Create a client
    13:07.300 Add to list of client packages
    14:11.680 Add documentation!
    14:17.880 Adding commands and custom capabilities
    15:01.360 Thanks for listening
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 16:04 minutes
  41. Mats Lidell
    00:03.120 Introduction
    03:11.160 ERT: Emacs Lisp Regression Testing
    04:14.360 Assertions with `should`
    04:56.920 Running a test case
    06:54.560 Debug a test
    07:50.380 Commercial break: Hyperbole
    09:10.480 Instrument function on the fly
    10:39.120 Mocking
    14:41.240 cl-letf
    15:24.100 Hooks
    15:55.720 Side effects and initial buffer state
    17:05.100 with-temp-buffer
    17:16.520 make-temp-file
    17:33.288 buffer-string
    18:09.920 buffer-name
    18:51.980 major-mode
    19:02.680 unwind-protect
    20:15.100 Input, with-simulated-input
    21:38.460 Running all tests
    23:03.220 Batch mode
    24:05.060 Skipping tests
    26:08.460 Conclusion
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 26:55 minutes
  42. Sacha Chua
    00:00.000 Intro
    00:16.580 Reasons
    01:09.400 Information
    02:09.160 Properties
    03:53.120 Timezones
    04:29.720 Scheduling
    05:41.780 Templates
    06:48.400 Wiki
    08:04.380 Etherpad
    08:28.200 E-mail
    09:05.920 BigBlueButton web conferences
    10:08.121 Shortcuts
    10:36.700 Logbook
    11:03.680 Captions
    12:13.220 Crontabs and playing the talks
    13:11.280 Transitions
    13:49.880 Wrapping up
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 15:05 minutes
  43. nil
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 05:25 minutes
  44. nil
    Duration: 09:00 minutes
  45. nil
    Listen to just the audio:
    Duration: 05:17 minutes
  46. nil
    Duration: 2:00:43 minutes