Welcome everybody, my name is Daniel Molina and I'm going to go over this topic who need Excel managing their student qualification with Ortable. I'm a professor, I work every day, I have to qualify my students. While most would consider it normal in this situation, we would need to use Excel or LibreOffice for doing that. However, I think that approaching it from Emacs has several interesting advantages. First, I would like to write the qualification next to the justification, next to the student error, and that's why for me it's not comfortable to do that. Actually, I always prefer to write in Emacs for many reasons, as many of you. Also, I love test format because I can compare versions using a control version system like GIT and easily change. This is very useful for the revision period in which a student visits to me and maybe I can change the qualification for any reason. I also can export the results directly to PDF to publish them in my online campus for the student. I have many tools for doing that. I already knew about Ortable formula, I thought it was very cool and useful to use Emacs for that, and I accidentally found a package Ortable Aggregate that seemed adequate for doing that. Unfortunately, I didn't see a lot of information about how to do that in a painless way. So, I have to learn, train and test, and then prepare these tools to solve that problem and to help other teachers. Anyway, it could be used not only for teaching but for more content. Well, let's start. First, I have two sections, the comments and the section of the table, or results. The comment for each student is in a different headline. It's very useful to check with a note. I can go directly using your head or ID or consult to go directly to the section. So it's very nice. Then I put the comment, right, completely wrong, it answers other questions. I put other comments here that I could send to the student, you can imagine, and then I can put the qualification, the score for each student. The thing with that is, initially, when I started doing that, I put, I don't know, the exception and a qualification with that. Okay, that's one point, this a three, and use a column total with something like that. Okay, that's nice. But then, when I started getting more and more parts, I considered it more useful to use, to put for each part, which is the maximum qualification, on the range of the qualification. In that case, I'm going to put, the first one is two scores, the second three points, the third one is one point, and the last one, four points. And instead of putting that in that way, I like to put one is completely right, zero is completely wrong, or maybe some intermediate values. Of course, I have to change the qualification, the formula, so it's very simple. I only have to put, multiply the values of the second line with that. So, it's very useful for doing that. Okay, that's the first part, so I can put the comment, I can go to the section, I can So, I'm going to increase, I'm going to put more qualifications. Now I'm going to put the table, first I'm going to change the column name, because it's easier when there is only one work. And it's very simple to use, you only have to put the name, aggregate, the name of the table, in that case group A, and in another string, the column. For example, name, so name total. And you can see that you can get a lesson list with all the students, but only with the final score to publish them. Okay? Even you can update the name of the column, not in the original table, but in the lesson table using that format. Okay? That is a good option. Now we are going to see how can we use that to make a subset of the students. For instance, imagine, this is me, I'm going to put the bad, I change, now I can update, you can see this, but also I'm going to put a list with the students that have failed the exam. It's simple, because this package has the option com, I'm going to put first to see it better, I'm going to put a condition in which we aggregate less than a half of 5, and I have to use a string to number total. In that way, I can see that this is the student that has failed the exam, I could use that to make another table, this is the people that passed the exam. Another interesting feature is that the lesson table can be sorted automatically. It's simple, you only have to put this symbol, and you can put next to the column you want to use for the sort, and then you can put A if you want to sort alphabetically, in that case if you want to reverse the sort, and N if you want to sort numerically. For instance, I can put that from the less score to the best score, or here from the best score to the less score. And this sort is completely independent to the sort of the original table. Now I'm going to do another different thing, we are going to put a new table, I'm going to put a new table in which I'm going to put the number of passed students, failed students and the ratio of students, it's simple, I'm going to put the past, in that case, as column, I can put the count, of course, I can put the count, the number of students that have that have passed, so I'm going to put in that way, ok? I'm going to put past, count, failed, ratio. You can see, ok? But this only the count, you are going to put the number of wrong. So, it's true, but you can actually put formula here, for instance, you can say, I know that I have 3 students, so the number of failed is 3 minus the past student. And also, I can put the formula, is the people, the students that passed, divide into the number total of students, ok? Let's go to put that in that way, is the people that passed, in that way, and also I can put directly the number of, the ratio of students. So, in that way, I can have a table with the students that passed, the students that failed and the ratio of people that passed. Sometimes this type of statistical will be useful for me, to see how much has been the sound, how much good has been the exercise. Now, I'm going to put a new table. This new table is going to go some statistics, statistics, score, is beginning, aggregate, table, final. In this case, I'm going to use not drinking a table, but a final, I'm going to put final group, final P1, final P2, ok? And as calls, I'm going to put directly how many results I have, I put number, I'm going to put also the mean. You can see that mean total is not working because I'm using this table and I was remain, the column name was remain, so it means the score, mean, and then the score, you can obtain STDIV, SDEV, sorry, there was an error about that, and was two decimal, and that is another interesting score. Now, I'm going to finish showing how can use, to finish it, we are going to see how can combine several tables or even an aggregated table in a new table. For instance, you can have a table for the practice 1, you can have a table for the practice 2, so I'm going to do that. I'm going to move this table, you can copy or remove, doesn't matter the order, I'm going to put this, identify the result of practice 2, or create an ID, then we have a previous result, and I have a final table, the final table could be complicated, but it's not so much complicated, it's only that, I'm going to put something that the formula 1, the formula is to make an OR lookup first of the second design name, considering that it's unique, remote of the second name, and let's say another remote of the three elements, ok, that's an error because I don't put yet the ID, so I'm going to copy, mark and copy, and paste the unique ID generated, I'm going to put that, I think there is missing one, finally, ok, that's right, so imagine that I change something here, for instance, I put I change that, this is changed also, and this is changed, this is a good way to divide the classification in several files, one for the practice 1, one for the practice 2, and one final practice that I can finally export in a final table, of course you can make it a lot more pretty, but this is all I want to show you, I hope with this talk you have learned a lot more about OR formula, aggregate package, and how can use all this techniques to improve your qualification of a student, or for whatever you want.