Schedule by status: (gray: waiting, light yellow: processing, yellow: to assign, light green: captioning, green: to check, light blue: captioned and ready)
Updated by and the wiki repository
Graphical view of the scheduleSchedule for SaturdaySaturday 9:10- 9:20 Writing academic papers in Org-RoamTO_CONFIRMpapers 9:40-10:00 Managing writing project metadata with org-modeTO_CONFIRMproject10:20-10:40 org-teach: a minor mode for writing course materials in EmacsTO_CONFIRMorg-teach11:00-11:20 The Free Life Planner: Empowering lives with Emacs-based AIWAITING_FOR_PRERECflp11:30-11:40 Colour your Emacs with easeTO_CONFIRMcolor 1:00- 1:10 My journey of finding and creating the “perfect” Emacs themeWAITING_FOR_PRERECtheme 1:30- 1:40 Watering my (digital) plant with Emacs timersPROCESSINGwater 1:50- 2:30 Emacs as a shellWAITING_FOR_PRERECshell 2:40- 3:00 Re-imagining the Emacs user experience with Casual SuiteTO_CONFIRMcasual 3:20- 3:40 New in hyperdrive.el: org-transclusion, easy installation, and more!WAITING_FOR_PREREChyperdrive 4:00- 4:10 Emacs Writing StudioWAITING_FOR_PRERECwriting 4:20- 4:40 Emacs 30 HighlightsWAITING_FOR_PRERECemacs3010:00-10:20 Gypsum: my clone of Emacs and ELisp written in SchemeTO_CONFIRMgypsum10:40-11:00 An experimental Emacs core in RustTO_CONFIRMrust11:20-11:40 Graph mode: a major mode to create, edit and display discrete element graphsTO_CONFIRMgraph 1:00- 1:05 Exploring shared philosophies in Julia and EmacsWAITING_FOR_PRERECjulia 1:25- 1:45 Beguiling Emacs: Guile-Emacs relaunched!TO_CONFIRMguile 1:55- 2:15 p-search: a local search engine in EmacsTO_CONFIRMp-search 2:35- 2:45 Committing secrets with git using sops-modeTO_CONFIRMsecrets 3:05- 4:05 Elisp and McCLIMWAITING_FOR_PRERECmcclim 4:25- 4:45 Reproducibly building Emacs: “Hey your checksum is the same as mine!”WAITING_FOR_PRERECrepro9 AM10 AM11 AM12 PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 PM5 PMSchedule for SundaySunday 9:10- 9:20 Unlocking linked data: replacing specialized apps with an Org-based semantic wikiTO_CONFIRMlinks 9:30- 9:50 Emacs regex compilation and future directions for expressive pattern matchingTO_CONFIRMregex10:00-10:20 About Blee: towards an integrated Emacs environment for enveloping our own autonomy directed digital ecosystemWAITING_FOR_PRERECblee10:40-10:50 Immersive language learning with EmacsWAITING_FOR_PREREClanguage11:00-11:10 PGmacs: browsing and editing PostgreSQL databases from EmacsTO_CONFIRMpgmacs11:30-11:40 Fun things with GNU HyperboleTO_CONFIRMhyperbole 1:00- 1:20 HyWiki: Fast, hyperlinked note-taking with no markup requiredWAITING_FOR_PREREChywiki 1:40- 2:00 Survival of the skillest: Thriving in the learning jungleTO_CONFIRMlearning 2:10- 2:30 So you want to be an Emacs-fluencer?TO_CONFIRMsharing 2:40- 2:50 An example of a cohesive student workflow in EmacsTO_CONFIRMstudents 3:00- 3:20 Literate programming for the 21st CenturyTO_CONFIRMliterate 4:00- 4:30 Transducers: finally, ergonomic data processing for Emacs!WAITING_FOR_PRERECtransducers9 AM10 AM11 AM12 PM1 PM2 PM3 PM4 PM5 PM

Alphabetical index: blee, casual, color, emacs30, flp, graph, guile, gypsum, hyperbole, hyperdrive, hywiki, julia, language, learning, links, literate, mcclim, org-teach, p-search, papers, pgmacs, project, regex, repro, rust, secrets, sharing, shell, students, theme, transducers, water, writing

1 talk(s) being processed (10 minutes)

Not ready for captioning yet, but they will be eventually
  1. Watering my (digital) plant with Emacs timers
    Christopher Howard (he/him) (id:water)

0 talk(s) to be captioned, waiting for volunteers (0 minutes)

You can e-mail to call dibs on editing the captions for one of these talks. We use OpenAI Whisper to provide auto-generated VTT that you can use as a starting point, but you can also write the captions from scratch if you like. The starting point for the main video ends in --main.vtt. If you're writing the captions from scratch, you can choose to include timing information, or we can probably figure them out afterwards with a forced alignment tool. More info: captioning tips

    0 talk(s) being captioned (0 minutes)

    People are working on these ones, yay! Captioning process/tips

      0 talk(s) to be checked (0 minutes)

      These can be checked to see if the subtitle timings are correct, audio/video is fine, etc.

        0 talk(s) ready to be streamed (0 minutes)

          32 talk(s) we're waiting for (595 minutes)

          Speakers might submit these, do them live, or cancel the talks.
          1. Writing academic papers in Org-Roam
            Vincent Conus (he/him) (id:papers)
          2. Managing writing project metadata with org-mode
            Blaine Mooers (he/him) (id:project)
          3. Gypsum: my clone of Emacs and ELisp written in Scheme
            Ramin Honary (he/him) (id:gypsum)
          4. org-teach: a minor mode for writing course materials in Emacs
            James Endres Howell (he/him) (id:org-teach)
          5. An experimental Emacs core in Rust
            Troy Hinckley (id:rust)
          6. The Free Life Planner: Empowering lives with Emacs-based AI
            Andrew Dougherty (he/him) (id:flp)
          7. Graph mode: a major mode to create, edit and display discrete element graphs
            John Darrington (he/him) (id:graph)
          8. Colour your Emacs with ease
            Ryota (he/him) (id:color)
          9. Exploring shared philosophies in Julia and Emacs
            Gabriele Bozzola (he/him/his) (id:julia)
          10. My journey of finding and creating the “perfect” Emacs theme
            MetroWind (he/him) (id:theme)
          11. Beguiling Emacs: Guile-Emacs relaunched!
            Robin Templeton (they/them) (id:guile)
          12. Emacs as a shell
            Christopher Howard (he/him) (id:shell)
          13. p-search: a local search engine in Emacs
            Zac Romero (id:p-search)
          14. Committing secrets with git using sops-mode
            Jonathan Otsuka (id:secrets)
          15. Re-imagining the Emacs user experience with Casual Suite
            Charles Choi (he/him) (id:casual)
          16. Elisp and McCLIM
            he or e/em/eir (Spivak, male and neuter pronouns are fine) (id:mcclim)
          17. New in hyperdrive.el: org-transclusion, easy installation, and more!
            Joseph Turner (id:hyperdrive)
          18. Emacs Writing Studio
            Peter Prevos (he) (id:writing)
          19. Emacs 30 Highlights
            Philip Kaludercic (id:emacs30)
          20. Reproducibly building Emacs: “Hey your checksum is the same as mine!”
            Aaron Grothe (he/him) (id:repro)
          21. Unlocking linked data: replacing specialized apps with an Org-based semantic wiki
            Abhinav Tushar (he/him) (id:links)
          22. Emacs regex compilation and future directions for expressive pattern matching
            Danny McClanahan (they/them) (id:regex)
          23. About Blee: towards an integrated Emacs environment for enveloping our own autonomy directed digital ecosystem
            Mohsen BANAN (he/him) (id:blee)
          24. Immersive language learning with Emacs
            Sebastian Dümcke (he/him) (id:language)
          25. PGmacs: browsing and editing PostgreSQL databases from Emacs
            Eric Marsden (he/him) (id:pgmacs)
          26. Fun things with GNU Hyperbole
            Mats Lidell (he/him) (id:hyperbole)
          27. HyWiki: Fast, hyperlinked note-taking with no markup required
            Bob Weiner (id:hywiki)
          28. Survival of the skillest: Thriving in the learning jungle
            Bala Ramadurai (his/him) (id:learning)
          29. So you want to be an Emacs-fluencer?
            Gopar (id:sharing)
          30. An example of a cohesive student workflow in Emacs
            Daniel Pinkston (he/him) (id:students)
          31. Literate programming for the 21st Century
            Howard Abrams (he/him) (id:literate)
          32. Transducers: finally, ergonomic data processing for Emacs!
            Colin Woodbury (he) (id:transducers)