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Re-imagining the Emacs user experience with Casual Suite - Charles Choi - Track: General
Q&A room:
IRC: Speaker nick: kickingvegas -,emacsconf-gen or #emacsconf-gen on network
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See end of file for license (CC Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 + GPLv3 or later)
Notes, discussions, links, feedback:
Questions and answers go here:
- Q: I wonder whether casual can only be used with the packages you mentioned or whether it can be used with whatever package you like? e.g., can I use causal with AUCTeX?
- A: More the latter; can the questioner clarify the question?
- People are free to fork and iterate over casual
- transient.el already has mechanism for modifying an existing transient to redefine the bindings over the definition
- Q: [related to the previous] Are there any patterns emerging, such that it would seem possible to 1) systematize 2) automate(?) the mapping of mode commands to keyboard-driven menus? Possibly even have an auto casual wrapper for an uncovered mode?
- Q: Does Casual have a log where you can see what commands were invoked? This is always available via M-x view-lossage or via command-log-mode, but I'm wondering if it can do for Emacs commands what Magit's process buffer ($) does for learning Git commands. (Leo just spoke about this.)
- A: That just works. (But try keycast-log-mode instead of view-lossage.)
- Q:Is there a setting to close menu after executing command?
- Q: What modes are you working on at the moment for casual / are excited to explore?
- Q: Why not improve which-key (which seems to be included in Emacs 30 by default) to accommodate for your very slight differences instead of reinventing the same thing from scratch in an incompatible way?
- @majorgnu on YouTube: This is great! Emacs's plethora of powerful functionality really needs a better way to surface itself to users and this is a great step in that dirrection. I do have a few thoughts, though:
- Is there a convenient way for a user in a transient to get more information about a menu entries? Specifically: the normal keybindings (if available) and command documentation.
- It could be useful to gather and display statistics about menu usage. Imagine being able to generate a personalized keybinding cheat sheet with the menu items you use the most!
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