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Saturday opening remarks - ${speakers} - Track: General
Q&A: Etherpad
IRC:,emacsconf-gen or #emacsconf-gen on network
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Notes, discussions, links, feedback:
- Testing
- Yup this is being tested :)
- I need that countdown screen :) . So cool!! I agree.
- You mean champagne?That's the name of it?It is the name of a package that has a countdown.OK, searching for that! Thanks :). Awesome
- Champagne seems a bit different than the countdown in the livestream tho! But it is also awesome!Ah I see, that might just be some quick custom Elisp.
- Can I join in on the testing too? Why don't you have any color? I set it to white :)(lol)Greetings^^
- Practicing indentation
- I have been having
fun not fun time with indentation lol - Dealing with visual lines for Master of Ceremonies, my first pass was too manual. I need to offload more work onto normal Emacs text editing. It was about 1k lines and I just decided to torch it and go with a buffer-based solution
- My ideal academic workflow would include some synergy between zotero and Emacs
- What is Zotero good at? For me, its good at handling more item types.
- not using zotero, but ebib. Working fairly well to maintain a very large bib file
- Oh god they're spying on us More importantly, Is RMS watching this with us?
- Why is the countdown music so good?
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